Creation's Deeper Truth (Genesis 1)



I'm amazed  at how the story of God's creation reveals something beyond the act of creation itself. Still remember when God, with wisdom, power, and careful precision, created the world from being formless and desolate into a place filled with living creatures in the air, sea, and land, along with plants, the moon, stars, sun, sky, and humans—all within six days? He then rested on the seventh day.

When God made the light and light appeared, it was because total darkness engulfed the deep waters where the Spirit of God was moving. When God made the sky, it was to divide the deep waters, keeping them in two different places. When God created the land and sea, He commanded the waters under the heavens to gather into one place so that the land could appear. Then, He commanded the land to produce all kinds of grain and fruit-bearing plants. When God made the sun, it was to rule over the day, and the moon and stars to rule over the night, separating day from night, and marking the beginning of days, years, and seasons. When God made all kinds of air, land, and sea creatures, it was to fill the air, land, and sea He created. When God made humans, it was to have dominion over every living thing He created and bring the earth under control.

He created everything with a purpose! I've heard and read it many times before (and I'm sure you have too), but it feels so different when unveiled from the Bible and understood as part of God's story of creation. If you're still reading this, remember that just as God created the world with intention and significance, you too are born with a purpose. You must discover what that purpose is. You are born for something important. Whatever you may be going through, and wherever you are in your life right now, there's more to it that you must embrace and understand so that you'll know what to do even in the direst situation.

As a whole, reading Genesis chapter 1 reminded me once again how the universe was created, but now with a valuable lesson: my existence and your existence in this world are about more than just growing up, getting an education, achieving your dreams, going to church every Sunday, or having a stable life. Like some may say, we are not born by accident. Though it can be confusing at times amidst the bewildering situations you'll encounter, know that you have a great, wise, and powerful God whom you can lean on and ask for help who created the world within six days, just a prayer away. 

Don't forget to read your Bible and pray every day!


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